Wednesday, December 5, 2007

appologies and new posts

So I now it is not new year yet but I have one new year's resolution already, to post regularly on this blog. Sorry about the long silent break, between trying to get my wok done and family I lost track of things.Then I started feeling guilty, and that always helps increase level of procrastination and avoidance. Now its time to come to tems with my negligence and make an effort. I appologize for being silent for so long. So here I go:)
Many things to post about. First there are a number of festivals that I want to daw your attention to. Now mind you, it I had a free schedule, tons of money, and invincible feet that does not hurt no matter how much I dance, these are the tango festivals/events I would attend to. In other words, I am whistling the tune of that famous tune from The Fiddler on the Roof , "If I were a rich man" as I am typing these words.:) Thank fully there are plenty of options and time to plan ahead, so maybe we all can attend to one or two of these events.:)

Since I have been talking above about new years, I will continue with that theme. What about starting the year in style, with tango? Povidence, RI New Year's Celebration Weekend is a wonderful opportunity (December 31, 2007 - Januery 2, 2008). Having celebrated New Year on the East Coast, where weather will pobably cold and even snowy if we re lucky, we might want to attend the San Diego Tango Festival (January 3-6, 2008) to warm up. Let's see.. Where can we go from San Diego... Hmmm. What about Houston? Houston Tango Festival (January 25-27, 2008) is creating a lot of interest and hey, there is a direct flight from Omaha.:)
Ok that is what I recommend for the month of JAnuary. I am sure there are many other great festivals too. For February, keep an eye out for Valentango Festival (FEbruary 13-17, 2008) in Portland, OR, and celebrate your love for tango:) To get information about these festivals, click on the underlined names of the festivals mentioned, above.

Ok, that is stuff about festivals. What about listenning to tango?
IF you enjoy tango, cannot get enough of it, do not own many tango CDs, but would like to listen to it at home or at work, all you need is an internet connection and the website address I will give you. Here is a wonderful tango radio from Buenos Aires, broadcasting tango music all day. AND you can brush up on your Spanish:)
La 2x4 Tango Fm 92.7 :
Click above and then click on "en vivo" that is blinking in read (translation: en vivo = live)

That is it or now till next time.. Stay Warm:)

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