Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tango: a cure for body, mind, and soul...:)

According to a recent study the Argentine tango may have positive effects on Parkinson's patients. The study suggests that tango improves balance, mobility in patients with Parkinson's disease. Patients with Parkinson's disease who took part in regular tango dance classes for 20 sessions showed significant improvements in balance and mobility when compared to patients who did conventional exercise, a new study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows.
To read more click here.
Now, how cool is that!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Ok I just realized that I have given you the link for Todo Tango before. I guess it goes to show how much I like visiting it. And no, they do not pay me in any way.. Although come to think of it... Maybe they should :) hahahahaha
Of course it all can be a sign of early dementia. But I am going to ignore that possibility for now:)
Here is another great website where you can learn a lot about tango related stuff:
The following weblink will take you to a series of articles published periodically in El Firulete, The Argentine Tango Magazine by Alberto Paz and Valorie Hart. The information is based on their own experience, first as students of the dance and second as teachers of Argentine Tango around the United States.
To read these wonderfully insgihtful articles: click here.

Great beginnings:)

Tango Painting by Mariano Otero

Hello my dear tangueros de Nebraska:)
I have news for you:) I attended the 1st ever Houston Tango Festival. It was a very successful and immensely fun event. (Jan 25-28) and I had an amazing time. The organization was excellent, teachers were great (Ramu Preddy, Jennifer Olson & Damian Lobato, Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt, Tomas Howlin and Brigitta Winkler). The DJs were excellent (Ramu Preddy, Jennifer Olson, Vijay Namasivayam, Mercy Chen and Robert Hauk). Also there was a wonderful live orchestra, Glovertango and they did a great job. I tangoed my heart out, saw many friends and made many new ones.:) I highly recommend that you put this festival on your list of festivals to attend next year for a number of reasons:
1. Houston is a great location to go to in the middle of winter. I enjoyed the nice climate of Houston after having experienced freezing temperatures in Lincoln:)
2. How many places you can fly direct from OMA? Not as many as I would like to:) But Houston is one of them:)
3. Last but not least, the organizers of the Houston Tango Festival are great, make you feel welcome and put every effort in to the festival to give their guests the gift of a wonderful weekend of tango.
Finally, I got to go to a really nice Turkish Restaurant near the festival location, which was a great bonus for me. Houston has great restaurants. :)

Where is the next festival for me? Well of course it is.... THE WASHINGTON DC TANGO MARATHON! Great Festival, attended it for many many years. Had an amazing time every time. To see the details click here.
Let me know if you are planning to attend:)
I am also very happy to hear about Katy & Brant Robinson's tango efforts in OMA. Looking forward to meeting them in person and attending their milonga on Mondays. The have a website that you should check:) http://www.omahatango.com. I sense a great deal of momentum in OMA-LNK tango communities these days. I personally feel very motivated to contribute to the tango communities. Great to see that there are many others taht feel the same way:)
Finally I am introducing a new section here on the blog: I am going to try to introduce one website/blog that relates to tango, that might be interesting for you to look at. Today's website is.....
TODO TANGO: http://www.todotango.com/english/main.html
This website is amazing:) You can learn about tango, its history, you can listen to different orchestras, composers, fond doscography information and much much more.
Hugs to all, and see you at a milonga/practica/ or tango festival soon:)